Loving this wee article on us here at The Bothwell Clinic! Daily Record March 2016
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- mail@bothwellclinic.co.uk
In London for last CAM conference of the year (certainly 4-5 degrees warmer than bonnie Scotland atm). The future of mental health is……PSYCHOBIOTICS!……no, not a homicidal probiotic but strains of bacteria that can modulate mood and reduce anxiety and depression. More here: http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201404/natures-bounty-the-psychobiotic-revolution
Ever used Seaweed in your food/diet……interested in trying? Free (yes free!) exhibition at Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh 14th & 15th September. I will definitely be going. Seaweed is a whole food with carbs/protein/good fats and full of vitamins and minerals. http://clicks.skem1.com/preview/?c=11458&g=225&p=b51e241ffed9ae68c811ea32b16b8587
2 pears, cored and puréed in food processor 2 cups walnuts, ground fine in food processor 1 cup almonds, ground fine in food processor 2 cups raw oat flour* 1 cup raw flaked oats 1 teaspoon cinnamon cracked pepper (to taste) Himalayan salt to taste. Mix all ingredients together. Place half the mixture on a Continue reading
Our Colonic Hydrotherapist, Joyce, is the only ARCH registered colon therapist in Scotland who is also a BANT (British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutrition Therapy) Nutritionist. Joyce is well qualified to give advice regarding WHAT may be contributing to your digestive health problems. Often, bloating, belching etc may be caused by more than just what is Continue reading
Having been brought up on a poultry farm I have always been a big egg eater as were my family. I remember the days of poor science regarding the egg/cholesterol myth and Edwina Currie’s “salmonella scare”. It’s great now to see eggs getting some good press as these are little powerhouses of nutrition. See link. Continue reading
If you believe you have problems with certain food types, the most sensible thing to do is have a proper nutrition consultation. More often than not the problem is that you cannot break the foods down properly and it is better to ascertain this first than go down the route of expensive, food intolerance tests. Continue reading